Have your say against Amazon deforestation
Were you outraged by the Oatly scandal earlier this week?
Here's something you can do...
Many people decided to boycott the plant-based brand after learning that one of their new investors is responsible for deforestation in the Amazon rainforest.
As profits from Oatly will flow back to the investor to use as they please, conscious consumers felt they would be partly funding this environmental destruction by purchasing the products.
But your oat milk might not be the only culprit in your shopping trolley...
Forest fires are raging through the Amazon again as we speak, and this precious land (often referred to as "the lungs of the world") is becoming dangerously unbalanced.
We are approaching a point where the Amazon will no longer be able to sustain itself.
If we push it too far, the Amazon will collapse – with devastating impacts for our climate. Huge chunks of forest will stop functioning as they should, becoming drier, like a savannah, and releasing vast amounts of carbon, usually stored in the trees, into the atmosphere.
We don’t know for sure where the point of collapse is – but some scientists estimate that it could be reached if we destroy just 5% more.
If we don't act now, we may soon lose the rainforest forever.
But the UK Government are finally listening, so now is the time to speak!
Right now the Government and DEFRA are considering new laws against the destruction – by making sure products imported to the UK aren’t fuelling the demand for deforested land.
This would be a huge step in preventing the Amazon, and other precious eco-systems, from collapsing.
They are asking for your views on how they should tackle deforestation in our supply chains. If they hear from enough of us, they will act.
WWF have made it easy for you to make your voice heard.
On their website you can sign a letter which will be sent to Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs as part of the consultation, to show how many citizens care about eliminating our role in rainforest destruction.
Alternatively, you can submit your views to DEFRA directly here.
The deadline is 5 October 2020.
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